Second Prototype

This is team Jub here again with our second prototype that we have created for Sara. So based on our last prototype we wanted to get an understanding of how mobile Sara’s movements are so we can start designing for those touch-points. In our second prototype we took a step back from the glove and decided to create a touch board for Sara to use. Our goal is to help Sara communicate and in this prototype we want to see if Sara can touch these buttons that we have designed for to communicate with others around her.



Please place the board in front of Sara and rest her left arm on the empty space on the board. Someone will need to assist her as she works with the prototype.

As you try our prototype we ask that you please recordĀ the entire process.

  1. Turn on and plug in battery and speaker. ( Watch video on how to)
  2. Ask Sara if she can try touching the buttons
  3. Please feel free to move around the buttons to make it more comfortable/easier for Sara to touch


How to Turn on Speaker and Battery


Extra Credit!

We have also added another part of our prototype that we want to see Sara try.

Please record!

Please ask Sara to do the following as shown in the video below

Example Demo