Class 1: Welcome
- What are wearables?
- Materials and tools
- Intro to electronics and sewing
- Sew a circuit
- Sara’s Glove design brief
Class 2: Arduino 101
- How to solder
- Arduino 101
- software
- language basics
- digital output and input
- Meet Sara and family
Class 3: Sara’s Glove Design Ideas
- Present Sara’s Glove design ideas
- Rapid prototyping techniques
- Arduino 201
- analog input
- analog output/PWM
- libraries – using NeoPixels
- Start 1st prototype
H.W. 1st prototype
Class 4: Making Electronics Wearable
- 1st prototype
- Integration techniques
- example swatches
- making things modular
Ship 1st prototype
Class 5: Conductive Materials and More
- Video feedback
- Start 2nd prototype
- Other conductive materials and how to work with them.
- material library
- making your own sensors
H.W. 2nd prototype
Class 6: How to Make Sound
- Sound making circuits
- LilyPad MP3 player
- LilyPad USB as keystrokes
- 2nd Prototype
Ship 2nd prototype
Class 7: Integrating Sound
- Video feedback
- Start 3rd prototype
H.W. 3rd prototype
Class 8: Finalizing Sara’s Glove
- 3rd prototype
Ship 3rd prototype
Class 9: Design Chosen
- Video feedback, fave design is chosen
- Guest Presenter: Mikaela Holmes
Spring Break
Class 10: Final Project and Sara’s Glove Conclusion
- Final Project brief and discussion
- Final live video with Sara and family
Ship final prototype
Class 11: Sensing Touch and Haptic Feedback
- capacitive touch circuit
- changing sensitivity
- attaching to fabric
- thread speakers and vibe boards
H.W. Technique Report
Class 12: Bio Sensing
- heart pulse sensor circuit
- galvanic skin response sensor circuit
Class 13: Dynamic Displays
- biomimicry
- muscle wire circuit
- heating element with thermochromic ink circuit
Class 14: TBD
Class 15: TBD
- Final presentations